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09/19/14 5:50 PM

#3480 RE: stockrush0 #3477


"Regarding your question about separating assets. Mabye a spinoff like that can be good for shareholders. And that is mostly good when the company is developped in advanced state being profitable and having a solid base of cash to survive. On the other side if those assets are under one hat that's better IMO coz of more efficient expenditures for G&A."

The spin-off scenario sometimes puts too much value on one side. I would be more inclined to actually separate assets. Canadian vs American. Most would believe American assets are the value at Dejour,but I'm beginning to believe in the possibilities of uncommon value through exploration lies in the Deep Montney. The potential to sell your oil or gas at a premium is present and getting better.

The point is,.. if you had 10,000 shares and 5,000 went to a newco involving Woodrush and 5,000 were to go to a newco based on N.Rangely,Kokopelli and Roan Creek , it would seemingly be lopsided but... IF a few new deals were put in motion ,shareholders might actually begin to wonder about that reasoning.

IE; Suppose a million was spent on determining the value at North Rangely and it turned out it was indeed amenable to ISR ,then its net worth would be a lot more. Enough to likely give 2 new co's some cash and pay off the debt for the Canadian newco. All of a sudden the 2 separate assets seem a lot closer in value . Both enjoy small revenue streams and both would have an immediate opportunity to greatly enhance their income by a new discovery well in very opportunistic lands ( Woodrush-Roan Creek ) and both 100% owned. Whatever the case ,any current shareholder of Dejour would own equal shares in each. The key to success would be to manage the 2 newco's efficiently.
In other words ,I'm willing to give the current team a chance to manage 2 smaller companies for less than they currently manage 1. If they really care about shareholder value ,they would agree to a deal structured in this way ,because it really could be good for everybody involved ,including themselves . As Craig Allison points out ,they are shareholders as well.

Another deal might see Woodrush assets merge with another Canadian Producer to form a new Canadian company. (prior to the separation of A&C Dejour assets) ( plenty of excellent O&G M&A potential,in that part of Canada )

I can poke all kinds of holes in my own argument ,I'm really just trying to make more people pro-active in determining the fate of Dejour.After all ,I believe the retail investor owns better than 90% of the company and we need to speak out and be heard. The reason this company has so many shares out /with so little accomplished these last 5 years ,is partially because shareholders in my opinion ,have been largely ,ignored.

Dejour holds great promise and I truly believe the company or company's can be successful for the remaining months of 2014 and all of 2015 ,but in my opinion an intolerance for more of the same, greatly increases our chances at success.
