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09/18/14 2:44 PM

#23982 RE: investing102 #23981

Thank god FINRA stepped in and said no to these scammers. I'm glad to see that these guys couldn't reverse split their stock AGAIN and dump it all the way back down to .0001 AGAIN.

And I love that he has the courage to say that FINRA protecting us is a bad thing, like he is pissed off that he doesn't get to borrow more money from more lenders and have them dilute this thing even further into the ground. Time to move on to another shell buddy. ECOS is either done or you're going to have to work harder on pumping this thing up to dump some more.

FINRA has caught onto your share selling pump and dump scheme.

That's too funny, I'll probably never see my money again if this guy can't pump this stock back up... but I think it's hilarious that he waited months to dilute this stock further and now can't because FINRA said no no big boy, your days of scamming ECOS are over. lmao.


09/18/14 2:45 PM

#23983 RE: investing102 #23981

The Fat Lady has finally sung. The charade is coming to an end. MS has no means to fund the company now without an RS


09/18/14 2:47 PM

#23984 RE: investing102 #23981

ECOS That would be my opinion...guess they will have to do it the old fashion way with improvements, plans, news, developments etc other words work for it or bust...because the R/S was a bust for stockholders anyways...we might just have a chance here...GO!!!! ECOS


09/18/14 2:52 PM

#23985 RE: investing102 #23981

The only Major News your going to see is a Delisting to the Grays

janice shell

09/19/14 6:54 PM

#24002 RE: investing102 #23981

Not at all. Management will just continue to dilute. It has to; it has creditors holding convertible notes.