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04/11/06 11:30 PM

#1882 RE: gas_2_fuel #1881

I feel like the grim reaper but I would rather it be public. Please look at the message from last month on RB. Steve was unavailable the last time some "news" leaked. A man in his position has to be willing to stand the heat & this guy does not seem to be. Here's one of the postings that I found on RB. I 'm averaged in at .19 and I have faith that what these people have said is true but here is some DD that needs to be posted

12 Mar 2006, 01:35 PM EST
Msg. 12357 of 23849
(This msg. is a reply to 12337 by tx54.)
Jump to msg. #
Hoping Tuesday AT THE VERY LATEST.

Keep those phones and emails ringing, as INVESTORS/PART OWNERS of this company we have EVERY RIGHT TOO KNOW. In fact, there are disclosure laws in effect here that the company has to follow through on.

This is a significant event and the SEC has clearly defined that significant events be addressed in a timely manner. Companies can be fined for this and if they are buying pre good news they can be barred entirely from the security markets. Frankly i dont care if they load up DISCRETELY, just dont try and shake us out of the friggin stock with delays.

It's sad that the IR guy ran and hid while the NEED for info is at it's utmost importance. WE DEMAND ANSWERS!


04/12/06 11:03 AM

#1889 RE: gas_2_fuel #1881

Thats why I'm in this stock.I have chronic pain disease.I think I know a little about what these people & kids are going thru... HELL!I'm here to make some money too obviously, but I really can't do that much more than I do now with more money.First & foremost I want to see this drug help millions of innocent kids & adults with SCD[especially the kids]they haven't done anything to hurt anyone & they do not deserve to suffer & die agonizing deaths from this horrible disease.If this drug can help then God will make it happen no matter what.I will continue to contact every celebrity,charity or anyone else I[or you] can think of who can help us get this drug to market.By the way,the one great thing about Bill Gates charity,The Gates Foundation,this charities main goal is to help the kids in Africa with chronic,preventable & treatable diseases & especially this fact:BILL GATES CAN'T BE BOUGHT OFF!.If Xechem is not financially able to see this thing thru I expect the Gates Foundation will jump in & come thru for the children of Africa & I really mean that.