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09/17/14 6:11 PM

#201692 RE: dirtydave #201690

"would it not be more appealing to a first time buyer to have to only purchase 1 bottle instead of 3?"

If it is that logical and appealing why did that decision come from Home Depot and NOT Eric? That's says a lot about Eric abilities as a CEO doesn't it? What do you suggest Eric does next Home Depot?


09/17/14 6:50 PM

#201695 RE: dirtydave #201690

Quick review of the chain of events for some reality on the HD issue!

1. Last Friday Eric emphatically states that HD is in error and that WNBD's 3-pack 1000+ Stain Remover has NOT been discontinued as is clearly stated on!

2. Eric then goes on to blame an internal HD technical issue as being the supposed reason behind what he claims is an erroneous discontinued notification applied to WNBD's 3-pack 1000+ Stain Remover...and goes on to call it a chemical compliance data issue within HD which caused an automatically generated (false) message of discontinuation in the product availability database!

3. HD then states in an email over the weekend that after researching the discontinued notification further WNBD's 3-pack 1000+ Stain Remover has indeed been discontinued exactly as their website states!

4. Eric then puts out a follow up blog yesterday now claiming that HD is in the midst of a sudden decision on whether to continue listing WNBD's 3-pack 1000+ Stain Remover on or switch to individual bottles!

5. HD responds via another email today clearly stating that no longer carries the product and their representative even goes so far as to state that if he had to guess why it was discontinued it was due to poor sales!

Pretty clear to see Eric continues to spin 1 side of the story while HD clearly states another! And with each passing day the truth becomes a little clearer!

As it stands right now it's apparent that HD did in fact discontinue WNBD's 3-pack 1000+ Stain Remover as their website clearly states!

And I'll take the 2 emails from HD as proof of what's going on over Eric's 2 blogs any day of the week!

I'm sure the truth is that HD discontinued WNBD's 3-pack 1000+ Stain Remover due to poor sales...and instead of Eric simply admitting it...he's working overtime trying to convince HD to try listing individual bottles instead!

One thing's for certain...if HD was really in error they would have corrected the supposed erroneous discontinued message by now and not be emailing consumers statements that the product has indeed been discontinued!

But because Eric's so busy spinning what he's calling a HD error into a sudden pending decision from HD on whether to list the 3-pack or individual bottle the entire mess reeks of typical babblin' blog bamboozlin'