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09/17/14 5:10 PM

#52847 RE: BigJuan #52845

Good call Juan. No announcement on licensing being completed yet we all know......licensing is not completed yet, still in the process. Makes sense:)

Just one step closer to GAME ON!


09/17/14 5:21 PM

#52849 RE: BigJuan #52845

For the last time, I own 450 shares of FPFI at this point. I only own them because i think they will allow me to be heard in court one day.

I will NOT, under any circumstance, license or no license, juice or no juice, pump or no pump, buy any more of this ticker.

Just want folks to know the facts about FPFI regardless of whether those facts are good or bad for their investment, It is their choice to make their own investment decisions.

However, I will not pump this stock or its executives because I own shares and need a bump in the price in order to get out by dumping my shares on an unsuspecting new party to FPFI.

I started the license issue here by asking FPFI about its whereabouts in April this year. I was told the license was coming along just fine and expected at any time thru a subsidary. When I actually saw the application for the license it was dated in MAY. Thats lie #1 about the license and I have that email from FPFI claiming it was in the works in April. that is minor compared to some of the issues regarding this license now. I still have the Email stating that FPFI has placed over $100k worth of equipment in the PREP facility, and I have a copy of the 10Q showing the $12k that they claim to have. Think about how that works, how do you mass produce gallons and gallons of a processed juice with 12k worth of equipment? The answer is easy. YOU CAN'T.

Yes, IMO, GAME OVER is coming soon here again, for the 3rd time, the only hold up is that the execs still have millions of shares to dilute before they move on to the next Adermann Dr company that they share offices with.