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09/17/14 2:34 PM

#41850 RE: Krysti #41845

ding ding winner!!

Those taking the 'investment' risk will benefit only by selling to newcomers, on the back of 'news' designed and issued by Carter and Ali for the sole purpose of robbing those newcomers. And so it goes on. Over and over again.

i still gotta unload this terd.. wheres my non commital cryptic PR's?

i can see it now!!!... NEWS FLASH

REVO in talks to project possible future revenues will be realized for billions projected in the final deal for lawsuits very very very soonish maybe, dont quote me, big ol share buy back coming on $50 million toys tomorrow or next year-ish. infringers owe like 20 dollars or 2 billion we think it was cuz cameras and stuff. RSH like did patents for distributing positions.


09/17/14 2:45 PM

#41852 RE: Krysti #41845

Glad we agree. So you assume that the patents have no merit is the argument?
I surmise the patents do have merit and the resources needed to prove it against a stacked deck are enormous. The scheme more times than not lies with the big powerful corporations that use other peoples ideas to benefit their wealthy stockholders at the expense of the small guy. Does that make it a Ponzi scheme or just a struggling company with a fabulous idea and no resources to accomplish the goal. You have no way of proving if those patents are being infringed on or not. None of us do. If Ali and Ron are capable of concocting multiple schemes to keep this afloat year after year so be it. As I stated before the limited resources and possible gains outweigh the risk for most here. Anyway who are you to determine how someone gets paid? If it's within the scope of the law and the person investing understands the risk why should anyone care how Ron and Ali make their living. Quite frankly they are erect and viable which is more than I can say for a large part of this society as a whole. You think anyone here cares if there is a revolving door here? NO WE all know it. called trading some make good trades some make poor ones. Your mission for the last 5 years will solve nothing.