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Black Beerd

09/16/14 10:05 AM

#201648 RE: Serenity #201638

"The plot thickens"

If it thickens any more you'll need a cement mixer to churn it. This Home Depot discussion is just one more issue added to the long list of problems that keep cropping up. These are all fallout situations and consequences to bad mngmnt and running the company into the dirt. I'm not startled or in wonder about any of fact...I anticipate much more to come.

"WNBD Ceo vs Home Depot USA."

Lets talk a moment about the quick CEO's quick response to what he thinks is a low lying GLITCH fruit.You know, the easy stuff he wants to respond to unlike Hope's questions and deserved answers to he asked. You all know this similar story has been told before right? Refresher... Remember the partial chill placed on WNBD? I bet many forgot that one. quote the Wizard of WNBD ...that was a SMALL TECHNICAL GLITCH that was to be cleared up Ladies/gentleman /enablers.... here is yet another case of poor Wiz getting bit by the glitch bug yet again. It's always someone else's fault. Glitches, the anonymous id's, all his well wishers (just kidding) name it. When does the man behind the curtain hiding...step out and take responsibility and take the high road and make himself accountable. His finger pointing and having his victims being called reprehensible for calling his character and credibility into question by wanting to know the truth is despicable and the true definition of reprehensible.

"Stayed tuned for the next episode"

This story will go on and on until the CEO decides he has the courage and nobility to step out from hiding behind the curtain and become honest and accountable to this long dirty laundry list of misdeeds. Maybe it's coming on the 10th anniversary of his reign of the Emperor of WNBD.

Should be about ready for a new youtube corporate theme song... Down to what 2 people in the virtual office now?