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09/15/14 7:30 PM

#230088 RE: Hitchhikerls #230043

I agree!! I hope you are "in the ballpark" with the price,
but I NEVER EVER have worried after the pps. I am LONG
here & am more concerned with them continuing to execute
on their business-plan. I EXPECT that if they do, as they
have, the pps will TAKE CARE OF ITSELF!!!

The DD is clear. NTEK has multiple divisions & MANY novel,
breakthrough & extremely RELEVANT products that are market
disruptors. Anyone who has been to an NTEK Shareholder Meeting,
visited Silicon Valley Headquarters, other NTEK locations &/or
has attended any of their OVER 12 Trade Shows the past year
KNOWS NTEK has quality products, excellent management & staff,
are extremely INNOVATIVE & they are operating in MULTI BILLION
DOLLAR businesses!!!!

So, the only thing I keep a keen eye out for is that NTEK
keeps making progress on their business-plan!! That is ALL
that matters to me personally. Having said that, I'll wait
to see what Gaming-Labs reveals in just two weeks at The
Global Gaming Expo...maybe $0.50 is cheap!!! :-D