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09/15/14 3:31 PM

#268670 RE: back2basics #268661

If you can look at all of the facts including the ones by conspiracy nuts, but are still a facts and not find that there too many things that don't add up. If you believe the Sandy Hook story by the MSM and Gov and don't have questions then you are not being open minded about just what big money and government can do. Not all of government is bad, but there are many within that pull off some big chitt around the world.

Look, I love my country big time and consider my self a patriot, but I am not willing to swallow the kool-aid. Sandy Hook stands alone compared to all other mass shootings, and there is a reason a well-known nut job was the one and had no problems doing so much.

How do you explain the video I posted? What is your answer for all of the guns photographed that were still in the trunk of the car; how did Lanza do the shooting without the guns that were clearly still in the truck?

I don't have the answers, but I certainly have a lot of questions and I see much that makes that does not add up. Big Brother has many friends and much cash, and our ability to be armed has kept US free as our forefathers had intended.

Many-many people want that fact changed, and these people need a sad story to sway the sheeple. I truly believer Obama may have already placed himself as out dictator if WE had not stood up big time to the many attempts he has made to squash the Second Amendment. Again, I love my country, but I also know it has pulled off some nasty chitt; stuff so big it could not have happened, and the ones that see the bullshit and speak up, well they are just conspiracy nuts. BTW, the conspiracy nut angle is something those in power use and use well.

Just Keeping It Real. At one time the liberal intrusion to our politics was considered just a conspiracy hoax by nut jobs; we know better now:

"The greatest propaganda coup of the American Right has been to convince its citizens that we are in the grip of a liberal conspiracy." ~ Shane Smith

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Progressive Liberal Politics Must Die Today
So That Freedom Can Be Sure Tomorrow!!!