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09/15/14 2:04 PM

#229829 RE: theiceman13 #229822

NTEK share price will plunge again, enjoy while it lasts, same ol same ol, nothing new...
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09/15/14 2:17 PM

#229855 RE: theiceman13 #229822

Why should Sony care about the criminal background of a paying customer?

If NTEK asked for credit, that'd be one thing. Nobody's stupid enough to give NTEK credit, and Foley's bank fraud conviction is enough to scuttle that, but if the amount of money up front is small, and it would be, since Sony is trying to expand its offerings to consumers, why would they do a background check of NTEK's criminal insiders?

If you walk into a Mercedes dealership and ask to borrow money to get one of their $80,000 cars, they'll check you out. If you walk into a Kia dealership with cash in hand, they won't. They just want to sell you the car.

In other words, Sony is not being picky about what sorts of low-lifes they put as channels on their TVs. And I very much imagine that they reserve the right to remove any channel that either stops paying their bills or violates their terms of service.

Sony might well reject porn channels as a matter of course, or require that it be tied in with well-established parental controls.

seems NTEK's Foley's issues in court sure didn't bother Sony, who btw is an expert in DD and image!

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09/15/14 4:59 PM

#230028 RE: theiceman13 #229822

Funny boys... seems NTEK's Foley's issues in court sure didn't bother Sony, who btw is an expert in DD and image!

Why in the hell would Sony care who d.f. AND ntek is. ntek is a little scrub shady company paying to get their lousy no content nothing iptv channel listed with dozens other unknown and throw away iptv channels that Sony is glad to take their money and bulk up their newer iptv service they are trying to dominate the market with. No partnership, no special deals, just propaganda for selling shares. It worked pretty good today, but we'll see how long that can be sustained when so many insiders are dumping like madmen. Is shorty covering here?
wow just wow.