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09/15/14 8:28 AM

#228240 RE: fuagf #228209

Iraqi President: Iran Should be Present at Paris Conference

Mewan Dolamari
BasNews, Erbil

The President of Iraq Fuad Masum has told reporters at Paris conference that Iran should be taking part in the world alliance talks aimed at tackling the threat of Islamic State (IS) insurgents in Iraq.

On September 15, the Paris conference addressing the rise of IS militants and support for Iraq started with speeches from Masum and French President Francois Hollande.

‘The solidarity and unity of the international community against IS militants is vital because IS insurgents are threat to the whole world. Since it is a global threat, the destruction of the group is the duty of us all,’ said Hollande.

The aim of the conference is to support Iraq and formulate a plan to tackle the IS insurgents.

‘Battling IS threats in Iraq is our duty as well and Iraq needs military support,’ added Hollande.

He continued, “In Erbil, I pointed out that action must be taken against the IS militants.”

He also noted that in the Syrian war, more than 200,000 people have been killed. He believes that the opposition of Syria must be better supported.

Later, Masum acknowledged France’s role supporting Iraq and Kurdistan region fighting IS insurgents in Iraq and thanked countries around the world for supporting Kurdish Peshmerga forces in battling the IS group.

Masum expressed his fear about the spread of IS militants to other countries. He claimed that IS wants to spread and take control of the entire world. Thus, the group has to be hindered in any ways possible. He suggested implementing laws which forbid support for the group.

He mentioned that hundreds of families have been prisoned by the IS militants and are unlikely to survive.

“IS has carried out massacres in the last few months. For IS militants, there is no limit to killing people. Everyone in Iraq is a victim of this group,” said Masum.

‘Iran should have taken part in this conference and alliance against IS insurgents as it was the first country that supported Iraq and Peshmerga forces militarily in our fight against IS,’ Masum added.

In another part of his speech, Masum talked about that formation of the new government and stated, “We have been successful in making a national and unified government in Iraq.”

The conference will last one day in Paris. The US Secretary of State John Kerry heads the conference of more than 20 countries expressing their commitment to stand against IS militants and join the US-led alliance that has been formed to destroy Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

I don't understand why Iran was excluded. Seriously,

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