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09/14/14 11:11 PM

#29276 RE: Ecomike #29272

MVTG pps should be running up all day tomorrow


09/21/14 10:57 PM

#29325 RE: Ecomike #29272

All eyes will be on MVTG tomorrow, hope you all bought already :-) the $Green Barron $MVTG report is live now, and hitting a data base of 500,000....

$MVTG A must watch video from PBS on climate change, the market force behind MVTG technology, and must watch for MVTG shareholder DD

I can't wait for the day when PBS and Bill Moyer's do an interview of MVTG at the Lafarge cement plant and show the world a solution to the problem of climate change caused by CO2 with Larry Kristof being interviewed with Professor Colin Oloman...

Also this week is a world wide push and march (see the news on Climate change UN and marches, New York, and world wide this week starting today)