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09/13/14 1:05 PM

#116472 RE: shrewdop #116471

I guess anything is possible. But for now the best thing I know to do with an empty shell is stuff it. Trouble is, this one is stuffed with mounds of debt.


09/13/14 2:24 PM

#116474 RE: shrewdop #116471

Shew: That light at the end of the road, or is it a tunnel, is a freight train coming the other way, and it does NOT have a HY-Anything mounted on it. The train has a load of debt. Can you just imagine that a "minor leak" ate an engine of a locomotive? Wow, what a nightmare.

Here is the problem at this point ... We were at an A/S of 2.7 billion when it was pumped to 2.5c per share. Now we have even more debt, state and federal are coming after the company, and we have an A/S of 3.7 billion shares. And that does not include the preferred shares at 10:1 Any income that does manage to get here has to satisfy all of that mess before there will be anything left for shareholders. So exactly what can you do with a shell that is that badly damaged? You would need to pay someone else to take it and make something of it. Find such an idiot and I have swampland in Arizona to sell ...

By the way, has anyone gotten a reply email from Coats? I have not. Not even so much as an "I'm sorry"!