Why is the address and phone number different for this guy Fred Eichhorn?
The legitimate Foundation;
National Foundation for Cancer Research 4600 East West Highway Suite 525 Bethesda, MD 20814 tel: (800) 321-2873 fax: (301) 654-5824 EIN: 04-2531031 Contact Email Visit Web Site Board Leadership Judith P. Barnhard Chairman CEO Franklin C. Salisbury, Jr. President
Why isn't Fred's name listed? Why isn't Fred recognized for his self proclaimed aid in the fight for cancer? Where are all his supporters in a world stricken by cancer? Oh wait, it's not him...
I had my finger on this strange thing about the website and not being safe and finally figured it out;
This is the real website address for "National Foundation for Cancer Research" and is why the above address and phone numbers do not jive!!!;
This is the penny pump and dump website of Fred Eichhorn and NSAV "National Cancer Research Foundation," and is meant to appear like the legitimate organization listed above;
It is very tricky and made strictly for the purpose of manipulation for NSAV scam and very illegal I should mention!!!! I have been hunting these guys for a long time and now I have found it!!!