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09/13/14 10:40 AM

#69137 RE: georgejjl #69130

I think that K in combination will be a missing link that will prove to be miraculous. I feel that scientists have been working tirelessly to come up with a drug that can reactivate P53. After millions if not billions of dollars spent on trying to come up with a drug....we might be here! Non genotoxic is the game changer thus far and we are seeing promising results per Leo as well.
Please listen to the RR presentation a couple more times to here his excitement and some results at relatively low doses.
I would hope that this 350 mg/m2 dose in cohort 9 shows the most promise and we can move to 500mg /m2 in early December.

The real miracle might even be if K becomes a preventive drug for cancer. (Maybe I'm dreaming)

But the fact we have gone from 10 to 350 mg/m2 in 2 years without toxic effects or SAEs is a huge win! IMO

Daubs opinin
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09/13/14 5:24 PM

#69184 RE: georgejjl #69130

Hi George,

I’ll take stab here at what I believe the issue is here. While some posters may believe Kevetrin will have miraculous results as a single agent, I think the disconnect is when this optimism is expressed in the sense that it will “cure cancer”. I believe it does have the potential to “cure” some of cancer, saying it will “cure cancer” is s broad statement. That said I do believe “K” has the potential to cure some of cancer and it may be in the form as a single agent. I look at Kevetrin as currently being in bottom of the 1st or 2nd inning of a ballgame. The current study does not meet statistical significance when trying to deal with issues of efficacy, however significant important data can be gleaned from the small sample size just the same. Info that will enable Cellceutix to refine future directions in the use of Kevetrin. We certainly cannot conclude Kevetrin cannot be utilized as a single agent in the future from the current study, especially one in which the patients are 4th stage patients who have advanced, refractory disease and who typically have very compromised immune systems and other problems due to the advanced nature of their disease. The current study is not designed to answer what the response might be if “K” was used earlier in the disease process where patients are not as compromised, the tumor burden is less and where they have not developed more refractory disease via more mutations, etc. That is a significant aspect when trying to determine efficacy in a patient population. If used earlier (stage 1 or 2) it may very well meet or exceed current treatment options, we just don’t know. In my opinion future studies will be performed both as a single agent and in combination because P53 mutations are present in so many cancers. In addition, Kevetrin may very well be proven highly effective when conventional treatment has resulted in no detectable disease and oncologists opt to use afterwards to prevent recurrence or extend cancer free status if the patient had P53 mutations in their tumor type to begin with.

In closing much more study is needed before we conclude optimal uses for “K”. I agree 100% that I think it will be highly effective when used in combination but I disagree when you conclude that “K” is unlikely to be utilized as a single agent at this time, more study is needed. I think we should all try to remain open minded, we all want “K” to succeed and I thinks it’s best to not endlessly debate/focus on whether it’s as a single agent or in combination with treatment modalities, we all hope is successful for those who unfortunately are dealing with any form of cancer.

Best to all from sunny Florida.
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09/14/14 12:49 AM

#69207 RE: georgejjl #69130

Most posters believe that the safety end of the kevetrin trial is going extraordinarily well. That in itself might be considered a minor miracle. I haven't seen any evidence that most posters believe they already know the results of the kevetrin trial.

Regarding Kevetrin being used as a standalone treatment or used in combination, none of us have enough data to know which will be better. That will be found out after more trials.

In the meantime, I'm looking forward to the unbinding of the Brilicin trial just completed. I look forward to seeing data rather than speculation.

In Reply to 'georgejjl'
John B.

I agree that Kevetrin can a probably will be a blockbuster drug when used in combination with chemo and/or radiation therapy.

However I believe that many if not most posters believe that Kevetrin will have miraculous results when used as a single agent. Evidence does NOT support that conclusion.

Good luck and GOD bless,


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09/14/14 2:15 AM

#69209 RE: georgejjl #69130

Again, what evidence? The final data are not available yet because Phase 1 is still ongoing.

Dr. Menon knows Kevetrin more than all of us combined. If he does not think Kevetrin is effective as a single agent, why would he waste 2 years and counting on this trial? He should have started the combo trials instead.

However I believe that many if not most posters believe that Kevetrin will have miraculous results when used as a single agent. Evidence does NOT support that conclusion.