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09/14/14 4:38 PM

#3275 RE: crawford2012 #3274

bought some puts to backup my position, i think theres a long way to go here.
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09/14/14 4:45 PM

#3276 RE: crawford2012 #3274

By December we should have a much better idea of what is going on, IMO...

Possibly in late November early December...


ASH is coming; Abstracts in early Nov.; Conference in early Dec.
ASH will be the milestone for Imetelstat. With a number of new papers coming (at ASH & in other publications) concerning Imetelstat (for MF, in combination with other drugs, in trials {animals & humans} for other types of cancers, new genetic markers) the future of Imetelstat appears assured. There has already been a telomere-telomerase Nobel Prize, with other awards likely. The corporate future of Geron, with partners or a new owner, is in the oven, but the primary ingredient (Imetelstat) is safe and beneficial. Mayo Clinic has been the most important factor in developing Imetelstat for human trials, and maintains a very strong involvement in current and future applications. The FDA is on Mayo's side (hold released).


The publicity from ASH, no negative news about Imetelstat, and Mayo Clinic's successes will drive the PPS much higher. Geron will not try to go it alone. I don't know if they will choose a partner or a merger, but Imetelstat has no opposition in science and medicine that I can find. Market factors are still with us, but ASH will take care of them. This drug is too good. Amgen's work with combinations is amazing.


ASH will determine the future of Imetelstat and Geron. Either Imetelstat is a great drug (with future potential), or we have been misled. There is no way to hide the truth after the ASH presentations. I have not seen any negative papers to date (anywhere), so I am hoping for the best.


Everyone on this board is expecting good news at ASH concerning Imetelstat. Are there any "nay-sayers"? ASH seems to be the point-of-no-return, and the place that will turn the stock up, and, perhaps, reveal a partner.


I waiting for ASH, and Imetelstat papers.

The problems that are keeping Geron's PPS at such a low level are two fold: FDA hold, Geron as an organization. As others have said Geron owns Imetelstat, but Mayo has conducted the MF trials that has brought Imetelstat to the public's attention, with successes. It appears that everything presented at ASH will be Imetelstat positive. Imetelstat's positives, at some point in time, should translate into a higher Geron PPS. There do not appear to be any Imetelstat negatives. Is Imetelstat part of a universal cancer cure? Is the telomere-telomerase combination active in all cancers and cancer stemcells ? These are questions that will be answered at ASH.
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09/15/14 11:49 AM

#3277 RE: crawford2012 #3274

from yahoo...

We can expect 2 abstracts at ASH and, separately, MDS-RARS and blast phase MF data publication(s) or at a separate meeting
We have been informed by Dr. Tefferi that he has submitted data from the Myelofibrosis IST as an abstract to be considered for presentation at the American Society of Hematology or ASH annual meeting to be held in San Francisco in December. The abstract contains safety and efficacy data from patients with MF which have been updated since his presentation at ASH 2013.

Unfortunately, updated data sets from the MDS-RARS and blast phase MF patients were not available to Dr. Tefferi at the time of the ASH abstract deadline and as a consequence he did not submit abstracts to ASH regarding the treatment outcomes in these IST cohorts.

These data sets were not available because of the extensive data entry and analysis required to update the MF IST cohort data sets in order to support the preparation of this complete response to the FDA partial hold as well as the activities required to prepare for the transfer of the IND and study sponsorship for Mayo Clinic to Geron.

We look forward to the data from the patients with MDS-RARS and patients with blast phase MF being presented or published by Dr. Tefferi at a future venue.

This year we have also initiated collaborations with a select group of academic investigators who are looking into the effects of the imetelstat in non-clinical models of MF and other myeloid malignancies such as AML.

From these studies we may gain insight into the potential mechanisms of action of our drug in these malignances as well as non-clinical data to support broader clinical development of imetelstat. We’re pleased to report that our collaborators have submitted some of these data as abstract for ASH 2014. In keeping with standard ASH embargo policy, I will not be making any further comments on any of the submitted data from the collaborators.