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09/12/14 3:25 PM

#229035 RE: BIG Investment LLC #229032

Two Words Biggy...


NTEK. It's time to rock and roll.


09/13/14 10:40 AM

#229123 RE: BIG Investment LLC #229032

Foley in jail yet?


03/12/21 2:52 AM

#379514 RE: BIG Investment LLC #229032


I'm spooling down for DaDay and have a few thoughts for ya as I drink my iced tea with half a lemon and half a lime squeezed in with some aspartame and eat my baked cod, steamed broccoli & carrots, and baked potato supper (I'm a knight owl, so this in my late afternoon/early evening).

1. Dave really has no fricken cloo as to what's going on or what to do. Don't follow any 'advice' Coyote offers ya, it Shirley ain't fer YER good.

2. You won in the CJA lottery. MADDEN has experience as a former AUSA in the same office that is prosecuting ya. That's a nice card to have. Lissen to what he advises you. He will be your best available source of guidance.

3. You're going to camp, prolly in Kentucky, Wess Virginya, or mebbe Ohio - most likely KY or WV. Don't postpone it - your suffering now pre-prison will just prolong the misery - anxiety and fear of th unknown will plague you until you have a few weeks in camp under yer belt. Go in soon and gett it over with - then move on and try to build some type of retirement becauz boyo you ain't young any more and I saw yer 2001-2006 LIQUIDATION BANKRUPTCY Chapter 7 case. The sooner you gett camp over with, the more time you will have to work on some sort of retirement nestegg.

4. With regard to #3, forget accounting or any yobb wiff financial duties. You're done with that for the remainder of your life. Learn something new while yer in camp. If you can finagle yer way onto an HVAC yobb, snag it and learn HVAC/refrigeration and you can make a decent buck in that trade if you apprentice when you get ~OUTT. Yur future lies in blue collar work now. Paint crew might be a decent camp gig too - easy to learn and easy to self-employ later on.

(What a shame, One good piece of cod and the other one was tough and nott flaky even tho both were baked together. Oh well.)

5. Don't fear DaCamp. Camp is easy, even tho yu won't be going to the Ritz-Carleton of camps, the private-operator (for now) Taft camp. It won't bee that badd. It'll be kinda like being in collitch except with a bunch of crappy rools, badd food, and a bunch of MCRD-Sandy Eggo drill instructors watchin' yer every move. Mind yer own binnizz (and don't CONduct business), avoid trubble, and read a lott and walk the track. Study sumpin - HVAC, small engine repair - there are books on this stuff - have yer fambly send them from Amazon or B&N to DaHole forya.

6. OK, now this is key. Don't scam from prizzin camp! Everything is recorded. Any mail nott marked 'Legal - Attorney Confidential Communication' is gonna be opened and scanned and kep as an electronic copy forever. Same with emails and phone calls - even if you try to use a bootlegged cellphone. If yer DaHole is in a remote area away from civilians, they prolly run a StingrayPlus and even worse for all cell calls in the prison area. Same for SMS phone text messages. Just don't doit, man. Even in visitation room, assume yer under surveillance even if you don' see video cameras and microphones. Scamming from camp is among the absolutely dumbest things anyone can do in prison other than shank a guard and kill them.

7. The first weeks are gonna really suck - just power thru them (and the tears) and you'll adapt.

8. Get a medical check-up, dental work and cleaning, and any glasses needed before self-reporting. Unlike DaFoley, your short sentence will mean you'll be allowed to self-report - and thus avoid Con Air and the OKC FTC horror show. Gett glasses, contacts are nott good for camp time.

9. Get a decent haircut. If you go in with that greaseballed Jimmy Neutron you're sporting, your gonna be treated like a punk. Especially at your age.

10. Hope and pray that there are no fellow inmates who know who you are and lost money in any of your alerts/touts/Faceplantbook crap.

Just gett on with it, mann. That is the way it'll go the easiest.

And remember, lissen to what MADDEN tells ya. Act accordingly.

As for your future civil forfeiture and fines from the SEC case, all I can say to you is your future upside is capped - be blue collar and live at a blue collar level - save like hell for a retirement nestegg, cuz ya can't do blue collar trades work in yer 70s. Another bankruptcy will nott release you from the civil forfeiture and fines that will follow you like a black cloud for the rest of yer life - but you already kinda know that I think.