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09/12/14 1:31 PM

#23394 RE: tarballmonger #23389

My own experience here... I've never had a hard time selling. Of course it takes time and you can't clog up the ask with large orders with the low volume and the fact that it does trade thin. Regardless of thoughts of the company... when FSNR has attention/volume it trades squeeky freaking clean with no institutional MMs or hidden order sizes. FSNR trades clean.

Con Man Carter

09/12/14 1:47 PM

#23398 RE: tarballmonger #23389

You want liquidity? Buy some petrozene. This stuff is worth way more than $12 a gallon. Someone posted that as a price and it's absurd. They undervalued it. I'll sell you a gallon for $50. I have barrels of it stored away in my basement.