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09/12/14 11:46 AM

#16560 RE: montanus #16556

I also respect you.We had some talks long ago about the future of ILNS on and off this board.As far as taking action my plan is to see what unfolds near turn.

If anyone done a number on us it was Chain imo.Look at that last few pr's he put out and then up and took off with CHF-5074.

Maza imho was and would have sued him without any doubt (See SEC 8K) filed by him regarding the issue but the powers to be at the time tied his hands behind his back.He was overruled.

I've confirmed this above info twice its factual imho.

I'm not even upset regarding that underhanded play by the past CEO.He don't want to be a real asset or be apart of going forward at Intellect then I say goodbye sir.

If I take any action the first is against Pfizer.I got alot of avenues cards if I'm forced I will use them all legal.

If anyone has lost money in this if they are really mad like me at anyone it should be for the breach by Pfizer and what it caused and the domino destruction effect it caused all of us.

I'm not greedy.I feel for everyone here that had a stake in ILNS over the past few years as far as anyone new I really don't care cause they not in the hole like us.

Heck I feel for the major losses that insiders took cause of this low down rotten play by Pfizer to bankrupt ILNS its shareholders.

I'm telling you this Pfizer going to pay and pay big imo and that lying defense attorney going to have issues and just maybe his firm in time.

Again I do beleive all shareholders past and present the ones that still hold near worthless shares has a valid claim if they owned shares before the breach up to the legal complaint being filed.After that is qestionable imho.

I do see better days ahead but its past time for all to pull togather and go forward.

Pfizer could at a drop of a hat make all whole and it would not even be pocket change to them.

I always liked a good fight.Even though that last transcript was a total butt whipping for the defense.When one says I think I just rest he wanting the heck out of there.

When that judge says don't so fast Oing knows he tore him apart but fell way short of the actions imo he should have taken for the false filings and prejury imo on the record in open court way pucking short!