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09/11/14 8:49 PM

#14446 RE: johnny smartask #14444

Well then you should as I have spoken to Martin and he explained everything on their progression...

If your a true investor all you have to do is ACT like one and RESPECT THEM AS A COMPANY and you have some answers.....

Not ask why you diluting or why you have toxic lenders or why you have no FLUFF PR...

Once you act like a investor and not a trader then you will get answers... Trust me on that..... Sound Educated and you get a Educated answer back.....


sea dollar

09/11/14 9:15 PM

#14456 RE: johnny smartask #14444

If the A/S are not authorized for issuance, they can't be dumped! The A/S was shot down over a shareholder vote. What we just seen is normal procedure here with viic. The co. not authorizing shares is honorable!! The only other thing they could have done was front end load!! And waited for the next leg up. They didn't have to wait to dump!! And released zero PR,s to dump into. Thank the market and the mm,s!! Let me know what I am missing squid.....
Profit taken, shorts, and mm manipulation!! I still think shorts because of how this has moved and been handled and the mm,s who are crushing it when on the bid and ask and the prices they sit on and hide on!!! No gap down to steal retail???!!! And a move to almost .03!! Mission almost over and that is why nathanial bought today!! Member since 01!!