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09/11/14 11:57 AM

#98570 RE: Its_lose_not_loose #98567

Why hasn't NNVC been working on Ebolacide continuously? Why did it take this recent outbreak to re-energize their commitment to it?

A valid question Its_lose,... Let me try to answer it.

The short version of the answer to that question is that the initial work that NNVC did with the first generation of it's Ebolacide was done as part of a CRADA (an acronym for a Federal Government funding program for defined projects) that was not renewed after 2010.

As there was no funding put forward to continue with the work to be done in concert with the USAMRIID guys who had the strains of Ebola and the containment facilities to do the work - the project was suspended about that time.

Some promising, and some less than promising results were gotten from that first couple years of work that have been reported out.

As NNVC needs to have a revenue generating product at some point to stay viable as a company, and there was no money to pursue this project after 2010, AND there was no Capitalist market for an Ebola treatment outside of Government funding prior to this outbreak - NNVC chose to focus on two lines that had markets

Flucide and Denguecide

Now that there is renewed interest (or better termed panic and incentive) in developing and Ebola treatment, AND there is a potential market for an effective treatment - the company has decided that going forward with an Ebolacide is a positive thing.

Additionally - in the intervening years since 2010 - more is understood about how the Ebola virus works, and how it gains entry into cells and manages to evade our immune systems so well.

The redesigned ligands for the Ebolacide (version II) may help this 'Cide have improved efficacy over the old formulation.

Make sense?


09/11/14 2:05 PM

#98594 RE: Its_lose_not_loose #98567

No future in that there is no money in it.

Now the humanitarian aspect demanded action...AND there is a goodly amount of money being offered.