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09/12/14 8:53 PM

#228169 RE: fuagf #228105

all -- Maher is back tonight (HBO, 10pET/9pCT) (just over an hour from now)


12/03/14 12:38 AM

#230250 RE: fuagf #228105

Nostalgic Neil deGrasse Tyson Tweets 35 Ways Times Have Changed

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#WhenIWasYourAge: None of my toothpaste tubes could stand up on their caps.

#WhenIWasYourAge: Anything wrapped in plastic was easy to open.

#WhenIWasYourAge: Pluto was a planet, but those "in the know" all knew its days were numbered.

#WhenIWasYourAge: It took a whole hour to bake a potato.

#WhenIWasYourAge: It took a week to learn whether your photos came out okay.

#WhenIWasYourAge: We had to open all doors by ourselves. None of them knew we were coming.

#WhenIWasYourAge: Being "all thumbs" meant you were clumsy. Today it means you’re good at texting.

#WhenIWasYourAge: You had to actually get off your butt, and approach the TV to change the channel.

#WhenIWasYourAge: There were hardly any one-way streets.

#WhenIWasYourAge: People were skinnier.

#WhenIWasYourAge: Your expected age of death was much closer to your age of retirement.

#WhenIWasYourAge: We went to the Moon -- nine times. Today, in low Earth-Orbit, we boldly go where hundreds have gone before.

#WhenIWasYourAge: The meat in a fast-food Hamburger was as large as the Bun itself.

#WhenIWasYourAge: You knew where & when the constellations could be found in the sky by using your “Brain App”.

#WhenIWasYourAge: My car got seven miles per gallon. With a tail-wind.

#WhenIWasYourAge: We used large Maps made of paper, and none of us could ever re-fold them back the way they came.

#WhenIWasYourAge: When you fell off the monkey-bars in the playground you landed on cement.

#WhenIWasYourAge: The average Watermelon had a Billion seeds in it.

#WhenIWasYourAge: Before Xerox copiers, we all got high in elementary school by smelling mimeograph ink.

#WhenIWasYourAge: Earth's daily rotation was about a half a millisecond faster than today.

#WhenIWasYourAge: On average, the Moon was about 1.5 meters closer to Earth than it is today.

#WhenIWasYourAge: We made phone calls in Phone Booths, which is also where Superman occasionally changed his clothes.

#WhenIWasYourAge: Your home telephone could drop to the floor thousands of times and never break.

#WhenIWasYourAge: No matter what they contained, Bottles were not squeezable.

#WhenIWasYourAge: Airplanes were so loud, you had to pause your conversation whenever one flew overhead.

#WhenIWasYourAge: People were never "living with their disease". We cured them. Or they died from it.

#WhenIWasYourAge: Exhaust from City buses billowed at the perfect height for everybody nearby to inhale it.

#WhenIWasYourAge: PaulSimon wrote this pre-GlobalWarming lyric "The autumn winds blow chilly & cold, September I'll remember”

#WhenIWasYourAge: We actually used a sheet of paper laced with carbon to make a carbon copy — “the cc:" -- of a Letter.

#WhenIWasYourAge: There were ten known asteroids with orbits crossing Earth's. Now, we know more than ten-thousand.

#WhenIWasYourAge: There was hardly any transparent plastic.

#WhenIWasYourAge: You needed a can opener to open a can of beer. And you’d put two holes in it. The second, for air flow.

#WhenIWasYourAge: Looking up somebody's number in the Phone Book was only one of a dozen household uses for it.

#WhenIWasYourAge: The Soviet KGB would’ve killed for the surveillance & checkpoint measures that are common in the USA today

#WhenIWasYourAge: Religion was taught in Sunday School, not in your Science Classroom. [with comments]


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