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09/11/14 3:01 AM

#3920 RE: Chachagirl #3918

Are you always such an impulse buyer/seller? Perhaps the stock market is not the place for you? In any case, if they just sell this shell don't you think it would pay-off handsomely, anyway? With $30M in NOLOs it couldn't possibly sell for less than 21¢/sh, right?
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09/11/14 2:55 PM

#3928 RE: Chachagirl #3918

Chachagirl: If you had cold feet you shouldn't have jumped in the water.

A "comfort level with IPO's"? Not hardly. He didn't have a shell then. It made sense then. An IPO, at least an initial one if he's going to take more than one Nant___ public, doesn't make sense now given he owns the KEYO shell which is worth TENS OF MILLIONS to him in tax implications. That should NOT be understated or underestimated in what that really means. It's MUCH more than $30MM. That's just the NOL's he has w/ KEYO. No, he'll be able to take Nan___ public TAX FREE because it would be classified as a reorganization. NantWorks, LLC just on it's face value is worth ~$1.3BB. You think the tax on that would be peanuts? Think again.

But, of the others so far w/ CIK #'s, 2/3 are LLC's so that pretty much rules those out for traditional IPO's unless they were re-organized into corporations.

I personally think he'll take the whole shebang public, WORKS, since that's a holding company and so is KEYO. And, after the RTM, w/ the name and symbol change, I'd think the KEYO CIK # would just then become the NANT CIK #. NantWorks is an LLC so same prohibiting factors in taking that public via a traditional IPO apply. No problemo though via an RTM.

As far as upside from a well marketed IPO. loL! Let's take Facebook for example...did the well marketed IPO do much for their investors? No. And, given as well that debacle on IPO day, wouldn't you want want to avoid that if you could? So would he. He can via RTM w/ his KEYO shell.

Never forget, and as we saw w/ Facebook...


That said, a RTM is all market control to set the market cap and that's all good. Actually, preferred, especially as it appears it was definitely an insider who bought those 10MM shares on "opening day" - March 2, 2014.

How much do you think those will be worth after the Form 10 is filed?
