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09/10/14 6:42 PM

#22937 RE: vtyler98 #22936

I said I would help others to understand this stock, but I stand by my statement that helping anybody profit from it is not going to happen from my end. For every person that profits, someone else loses and becomes the new bagholder. And for each dollar that someone profits, the company management and insiders profit many dollars. Ultimately, the company is the big winner here, and most investors will lose most or all of their investment, especially when this goes to no-bid (which is inevitable). Most probably already have, given the current share price.

The only person I am applying "names" to is the CEO. He is fair game. His actions show to me a callous disregard for the environmental rules in this state, and the mining safety rules that the federal government governs through MSHA. You can disagree with government regulations, but they are law, and other legit companies abide by them.

Defending that kind of sleazy behavior is not admirable, just like bragging about profiting from a scam. What is this world coming to when it is okay to flaunt a disregard for legal, environmental, and safety concerns, and to brag about being part of a fraud? I find it disgusting.


09/10/14 6:51 PM

#22938 RE: vtyler98 #22936

We'll said... MNGG


09/10/14 7:04 PM

#22942 RE: vtyler98 #22936

That dude is a waste of breath and SCUM... I spit in your face and challenge you to a dual...(slap-Slap) with my leather glove