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09/09/14 9:32 PM

#81247 RE: Running1 #81246

These are no joke...

Lawsuits against Treaty... That I know of so far.

This is how Treaty operates... Robert McManus is out $130,000 bucks... and Ronald Blackburn is right in the middle of it...

Robert McManus vs Treaty Energy...

Full filing here...

US. Fuels and Treaty Energy being sued for fraud in Callahan County

Has to do with 2 leases Treaty sold Merkaz Oil and Gas Development Company. They say Treaty sold them the Henderson and long lease by fraudulently misrepresenting the facts. Like the fact that there were TRRC issues as in a well plugging and severances. They are looking for more than $200,000 but less than 1 million bucks from Treaty and US. Fuels.

Sounds just like Treaty...

The full filing here...

And a lawsuit by a childhood friend of Gwyn that got ripped off...

In a lawsuit filed Wednesday (May 28) in Orleans Parish Civil District Court, Gwyn is accused of fraud in connection with two other companies: Treaty Energy Corp., which is publicly traded on over-the-counter markets, and an affiliated company, Rampant Leon Financial Corp.

The lawsuit also names Andrew Reid, the CEO of both companies, as a defendant.

Gwyn was once chief operating officer and director at Treaty Energy, but he resigned from the company in March, according to the company's website. Treaty Energy is a New Orleans-based oil and gas exploration company with operations in Texas and Belize.

A lawyer for Treaty Energy on Thursday said the company couldn't immediately respond.

In the lawsuit, New Orleans resident George Demmas claims that Gwyn -- a childhood friend -- convinced him in May 2012 to invest $65,000 in a "fictional undivided interest in an oil well" on promises that he would earn $700,000 over 10 years in return.

That sale agreement was made through Rampant Leon Financial Corp. and signed by Reid, according to the lawsuit.

At Gwyn's urging, Demmas also decided to buy more than 810,000 shares in Treaty Energy for a total of $15,000 with an agreement that Demmas had to hold onto the shares for one year before selling them on the market, according to the lawsuit.

The lawsuit claims Gwyn "knowingly misrepresented material facts to and omitted material facts from" Demmas in both investments.

"In addition, Gwyn made continuing misrepresentations about the investments to induce plaintiff to hold the investments for a longer period of time than he otherwise would have and to delay plaintiff's actions in recovering or mitigating his losses," the lawsuit says.

Rather than the promised $3,000 or $4,000 per month, the lawsuit says, Demmas has received only a total of $700 on the oil well investment.

At one point, when Demmas complained about a lack of payments, Gwyn told him "that a supposed unnamed Russian investor had invested about $20 million in the investment and that Rampant needed to pay him back first before any of the other investors," the lawsuit says.

Meanwhile, Demmas' shares in Treaty Energy did not increase as Gwyn had promised, the lawsuit says, and Demmas couldn't find a brokerage firm willing to sell the shares after the one-year holding period.

More here...

Heart land Drilling law suit for over $400,000.00 The Drillers that drilled the Stockton 2 and 3 wells and never got paid...

The theft case against John Bell Treaty's "Operations Manager"

Looks as though John Bell, Treaty's "operations manager", has refused to sign off on his deposition in his theft case with Heritage Oil... That would be a move made by a guilty person.

Belize was nothing but a show for investors.

Jeffrey Mercer VS Ron Blackburn-Treaty Energy

Check out Paragraphs 5,6, and 7 of this court filing from a former investor suing Treaty Energy to get is money back when he realized what Treaty was telling him was a load of BS...

New Treaty Judgment...

Treaty needs to pay $141,764.25 To All Energy...

Paul Henley Judgment...

Judgment for $295,821.70... Seems some retirement money went somewhere it wasn't supposed too...

TRRC Compliance issues... The McComas wells including well No. 20 not listed in that order has now been plugged by the State of Texas.

Master Default Order for Non-compliance...

TRRC order to plug 8 wells on the McComas lease. All the wells in this order have now been plugged by the State of Texas.

Treaty's new and the second Master Default Order...

Treaty didn't bother to show up for this one either...

The violations...

Bruce A. Gwyn and Lee C. Schlesinger banned from doing business in Texas in the oil and gas business.

9. As a person in a position of ownership or control of respondent at the time respondent violated Commission rules related to safety and the control of pollution, Bruce A. Gwyn, and any other organization in which he may hold a position of ownership or control, shall be subject to the restrictions of Texas Natural Resource Code Section 91.114(a)(2) for a period of no more than seven years from the date the order entered in this matter becomes final, or until the conditions that constituted the violations herein are corrected or are being corrected in accordance with a schedule to which the Commission and the organization have agreed; and all administrative, civil, and criminal penalties and all cleanup and plugging costs incurred by the State relating to those conditions are paid or are being paid in accordance with a schedule to which the Commission and the organization have agreed,
whichever is earlier.

10. As a person in a position of ownership or control of respondent at the time respondent violated Commission rules related to safety and the control of pollution, Lee C. Schlesinger, II, and any other organization in which he may hold a position of ownership or control, shall be subject to the restrictions of Texas Natural Resource Code Section 91.114(a)(2) for a period of no more than seven years from the date the order entered in this matter becomes final, or until the conditions that constituted the violations herein are corrected or are being
corrected in accordance with a schedule to which the Commission and the organization have agreed; and all administrative, civil, and criminal penalties and all cleanup and plugging costs incurred by the State relating to those conditions are paid or are being paid in accordance with a schedule to which the Commission and the organization have agreed, whichever is earlier.





09/09/14 9:38 PM

#81248 RE: Running1 #81246

TRRC issues are no joke either...

This is how Treaty does business in the Texas oil fields. Treaty does not give a shit about the water. They are about scamming the investors... Texas will be coming for Treaty...

This is all still very much in play...

For Treaty to bring C&C Petroleum back into compliance like Treaty has promised they would a dozen times over the last 2 years, they need to...

Reimburse the State of Texas for plugging the 8 wells on the McComas lease. That's estimated by the State at $94,062.00 and could be more if they ran into problems.

Plug the remaining wells on the Barnes lease that includes the mine well and estimated at $60,000.00 plus the $70,000 in damages and mess left to the surface when Treaty abandoned the lease. Treaty has run out of time to do this... The State of Texas is scheduled to plug them next month. Guess Treaty will need to reimburse the State for these too...

Pay lease fee's of $21,000.00.

Pay the Master Default Order fines of $26,000.00.

Bring into compliance or plug 8 other wells on the leases under C&C for a estimate of $45,000.00

Treaty must also deal with the current 25 Severance issues with the 6 leases under C&C Petroleum... That's 25 Severance issues.

Treaty has done virtually NOTHING to bring C&C Petroleum back into compliance. Treaty has been LYING to investors for years concerning the issues with the TRRC and Lying to the TRRC and they are not amused.

These total $316,062.00

Time estimate... Forever.

These are all FACTS...That can be found on the TRRC website and that I have post links to and screenshots of many, many times...


