pete, let me take issue with some of what you wrote.
" mgt may have things cooking that they would like kept on the QT prior to their timing of the announcement."
I think we need to differentiate between information about what has already happened and speculation as to what might happen. When a company issues a press release it is primarily about things that have already happened. HTFBS updates are SPECULATION about things that might happen. If Sphere was issuing info only to HTFBS, and not to the general public, about things that have happened or that they know FOR SURE will happen, that would be highly unethical.
"a subscriber may not have funds immediately available and so at least a minimum of 2 months would be my earliest release of news. "
I don't think it is wise policy for a subscription service to "hold" info that could benefit the share price and thus the current shareholders until such a time as they think a particular subscriber MIGHT have some funds to buy more shares. Heck, that time may never come. Also, some folks actually do use margin and when the price of shares they own go up they actually have more funds to use to buy more shares.
"These picks are for long investors, not traders"
I don't think any stock can be or is ONLY for one type of investor. At various times most stocks can be good long term investments as well as trading vehicles. That's why many people will take a core position and trade around it. For the last few months ANY has not been either a good hold or a good trade (too unpredictable). I would like this to change and would rather see it change sooner than later.
I have never seen any stock harmed or long term investor harmed by good solid positive info being put out to the general public. I think RIGHT NOW it is very important for the Sphere story to be brought to the attention of as many as possible and who better to do this than HTFBS.