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09/08/14 12:11 PM

#29756 RE: INVESTOR 1384 #29753

Farid/VPER were around playing this scam long before you came to them and they will be here long after you're gone...They aren't afraid of you, and they won't act on your words...VPER will do what vper wants to when they choose to do so...

The information they present to the OTC will be non verifiable and just enough to appease the otc into changing to limited information..

In case it has not been noticed, vper always bounces between limited and no information and then promises to upgrade but never do...

Just like everything else with vper...Lots of talk and promises, but in the end, it's all bullshit


09/11/14 3:34 PM

#29760 RE: INVESTOR 1384 #29753

VPER = lies, its been YEARS AND YEARS. Promises never happened.