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09/08/14 11:54 AM

#2507 RE: joeblow110percent #2506


maverick one

09/09/14 5:57 PM

#2509 RE: joeblow110percent #2506

If you want gold- just buy abandoned mine for $500- hire a few friends from south of the border to shore up some old rotten wood and to dig by hand- then excavate and bring up in a bucket old school style 5 lbs ore at a time to daylight. Buy yourself a string of 30 burros to bring the ore out of the deserts straight to the refiner and make sure you acquire extra ammo to fight any bandits or indians off that you will bump into along the way. Don't pay the bartender with any gold either you will surely be tracked by strangers and high plains drifters back to your gold mine and robbed and killed.

The price of gold has about as much chance as going that high as you doing the aforementioned above. Regards to this specific company and their alleged future involvement of iron ore...I'm only interested in discussing ore in this forum.