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09/07/14 2:12 PM

#629 RE: BVE #628

One of the two things I want to find out is how they arrived at $1.5B USD; the other is GDR fees they were collected in Oct/13.

The GDRs are at 1:1 ratio (Mellon Bank Depository),the stock trades for R 0.18 on Bovespa at currant exch. rate, $0.08 USD. Even the currency arbitrage is in GDRs favor.

Trading Bsp:

Mellon DR:

My take on How much the present Markets values OGXPY

Undervalued by todays market:
Estimated val. minus Mrkt val.

Estimated value $1.5B - $213M = $1,286,174,000

Court EstimateValue/share
$1.5B /3.23B sh = $0.464

$0.464 x 3.23B sh = $1,498,720,000 almost $1.5B

Ownership post restucture

15% of shares: 484,500,000shares to Common Shareholders.
85% of 3.23B = 2,745,500,000 shares to Debt holders
(It is very likely there will be a Reverse Split under restructure and share reissued according to percentage of ownership.)

Present Market Cap: @ .0622
Total 3,230,000,000 x .0622 = $213,826,000

Common shareholders 15% 484,500,000 x .0662 = $32,073,900

Debt Holders 85% 2,745,500,000 x .0662 = $181,752,100


The present Market Cap according to Yahoo finance is :

.0662 x 3.23b =______________________ $214.22Mill;_ylt=AhkGTd2YPymVlAsWZS4tukN2NohG;_ylu=X3oDMTBxdGVyNzJxBHNlYwNVSCAzIERlc2t0b3AgU2VhcmNoIDEx;_ylg=X3oDMTBsdWlqampwBGxhbmcDZW4tVVMEcHQDNQR0ZXN0Aw--;_ylv=3;_ylc=X1MDMjE0MjQ3ODk0OARfcgMyBGZyA3VoM19maW5hbmNlX3dlYl9ncwRmcjIDc2EtZ3AEZ3ByaWQDBG5fZ3BzAzEEb3JpZ2luA2ZpbmFuY2UueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMxBHBxc3RyAwRxdWVyeQNPR1hQWSwEc2FjAzEEc2FvAzE-?