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09/06/14 10:22 AM

#62645 RE: WhymeMA #62644

What does that even mean 'speaking with Apple IP Counsel'?

Good question!

First and foremost the statement means that they are dropping the Apple name with the objective being to pump the stock and hopefully set off another round of investor speculation. If they don't want to be viewed as a pinky scam, don't act like one!

Second, what do the words mean? Not much! It could be taken either positively or negatively! Apple is one of the most litigious companies out there these days. A discussion on IP could be Apple looking at EPGL's touted IP to see if there is something useful for Apple, or they can be reviewing it to see if they need to sue EPGL for infringement! And a phone call from EPGL to Apple would also constitute 'speaking with Apple IP Counsel'! Think about it... is Apple going to sign a deal with a pink company that can't even keep their yap shut about a simple conversation and chooses to use said conversation to promote their stock?

And since EPGL doesn't have any of these bio-mem patents even issued yet, what is there really to discuss?

Pinks are mocked for all their BS LOI announcements... announcing this is like announcing a pre-pre-pre LOI! ROFL!

These tweets just have to stop... VERY unprofessional for a company looking to be viewed as above the pink scam stuff!


09/06/14 11:37 AM

#62658 RE: WhymeMA #62644

You make some excellent points. I am assuming Apple called EPGL. If so, I can't think of any other reason for Apple to call other than being interested in liscensing or buying the IP. If they were interested they would be checking to make sure that EPGL's patent filings were not infringing on anyone elses and possibly if the application was a good fit for their products?

For EPGL to be in discussions with Apple over the last several weeks IMO can only mean that EPGL may be involved (dare I say) with their big products roll-out on the 9th.