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09/05/14 10:09 PM

#227941 RE: StephanieVanbryce #227936

Hey, yes! ..Qassem Suleimani .. The Shadow Commander

A Reporter at Large September 30, 2013 Issue

Qassem Suleimani is the Iranian operative who has been reshaping the Middle East. Now he’s directing Assad’s war in Syria.

By Dexter Filkins -

As you said of the links generally .. wow .. that 2nd link down from the photo is a great one! .. so much history of the region again reminded of, with little tidbit extras such as the importance of Qusayri at the head of the Bekaa Valley said to be the crucial Hezbollah supply route for missiles et al. The article says it was captured by Syrian rebels in April 2013, then recaptured by Quassem Suleimani headed forces and that it was a crucial turning point in the balance of the war in Syria.

Qassem Suleimani's history, as are so many of those as he whose families suffered so much in the Western backed Shah's (Kermit Roosevelt's, think it was, jewel of the CIA) reign in Iran IS fascinating. He is, of course, one of the top Iranians sanctioned by the US, and who, the article says, some years ago two ex administration officials called to be assassinated.

The article attributes the plot to kill Saudi ambassador Adel al-Jubeir in a restaurant a few miles from the White House to him, just for further info interest this qualifies that ..

2011 alleged Iran assassination plot

On 11 October 2011, United States officials alleged there was a plot tied to the Iranian government to assassinate Saudi ambassador Adel al-Jubeir in the United States. The plot was referred to as the "Iran assassination plot" or the "Iran terror plot" in the media, while the Federal Bureau of Investigation named the case "Operation Red Coalition"

Alleged responsibility

U.S. officials said that it was "more than likely" that Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the head of the Quds Force, Major General Qassem Suleimani, knew of the plot, but acknowledged this was based on analysis rather than hard evidence. They speculated it was inconceivable that in Iran's hierarchy Khamenei or Suleimani would not be aware of such an action, stating "it would be our assessment that this kind of operation would have been discussed at the highest levels of the regime." The officials acknowledged that the plot was far "outside the pattern" of the Quds Force past activity.

Others speculated that the men may have been acting as rogue elements in the Iranian government, rather than the actual government itself. "It's so outside their normal track of activity", said a senior law enforcement official who would speak only on the condition of anonymity. "It's a rogue plan or they're using very different tactics. We just don't know." The government of Iran vehemently denied the accusations, and Iran's United Nations representative called the confession "suspicious claims by an individual", and said his claims were fabricated. While the U.S. Department of Justice said Shakuri was still at large, Iran claimed Shakori belonged to an Iranian exile opposition group aiming to overthrow the Iranian Government. ..

Sheesh, in the tangled web and the multiplicity of shades of certainty of international politics there is so much where absolute certainty, for us ordinary guys anyway, lol, must always be open to question.

I'm only about half way through the article. :)


09/06/14 12:19 AM

#227943 RE: StephanieVanbryce #227936

To link: 2010 - Job well done bush!.. Prime Minister al-Maliki meets with Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, as well as with first vice president
Muhammad Rida Rahimi and minister of foreign affairs Manuchehr Muttaqi, along with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.


2008 - Iran torpedoes US plans for Iraqi oil - By M K Bhadrakumar .. Apr 3, 2008

Why we should fear a McCain presidency .. down one stream a few ..

Fighting breaks out ...
The attack on Iraq began in March 2003 with Operation Shock and Awe directed at Baghdad (Faleh Kheiber/Reuters)
US and Iraqi forces take the battle to Moqtada al-Sadr's doorstep .. in reply ..

Iraq: Al-Mahdi army offers to lay down its arms

Is an Iranian general the most powerful man in Iraq?

Iranian general played key role in brokering Iraq cease-fire .. bit ..

The backdrop to Sadr's dramatic statement was a secret trip Friday by Iraqi lawmakers
to Qom, Iran's holy city and headquarters for the Iranian clergy who run the country.

There the Iraqi lawmakers held talks with Brig. Gen. Qassem Suleimani, commander of the Qods (Jerusalem) brigades of Iran's Revolutionary
Guard Corps and signed an agreement with Sadr, which formed the basis of his statement Sunday, members of parliament said.

US/IRAQ: Petraeus Testimony to Defend False "Proxy War" Line - Analysis by Gareth Porter*


June 2014 - Iran just sent an elite military unit to fight in Iraq

.. and here again the 2nd down from picture link in your post

The Shadow Commander
A Reporter at Large September 30, 2013 Issue
Qassem Suleimani is the Iranian operative who has been reshaping the Middle East. Now he’s directing Assad’s war in Syria.
By Dexter Filkins -

because it deserves to be and complements the others. Thank you heaps for that excellent article, Stephanie.