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01/05/15 8:21 AM

#522 RE: Renee #518

Dear Investor,

If you’re looking to invest in a great speculative investment, then you should immediately turn off your cell phone, stop reading your emails and focus 100% of your attention on this short video, because it contains what I believe to be an incredible investment opportunity that Wall Street hasn’t even figured out yet, but a legendary billionaire investor has!

The company is called MV Portfolios and it trades under the ticker symbol MVPI and a very successful billionaire investor has been acquiring its shares. Just recently his investment trust filed a “Statement of Ownership” form stating:

“If not for the Blocker, the reporting person would own in excess of 9.99% of the outstanding shares of common stock of MVPI.”

His name is Dr. Phillip Frost and Forbes ranks him as the 166th richest American and many consider him one of the best investors to track. Even Jim Cramer said:

“Dr. Frost has a fantastic track record... he's a guy who has made people an incredible amount of money!”

So why has this billionaire investor been buying shares of low-priced stock MVPI?

It’s possibly due to their recently filed case against the $388 billion dollar giant known as Google Inc.! Yes… that’s correct… I said Google Inc.!

The case I’m referring to is Visual Real Estate vs. Google -> case #3:14-CV-00274-TJC-PDB

In case you’re wondering… Visual Real Estate is owned by MVPI, the public company, which I’ll explain later on in the video. Now I’m sure you’ve used Google’s product called Street View, right? And I would venture to say that you’ve most likely used it a lot.

It’s actually one of the most amazing inventions of our time! To be able to type in addresses around the world and to be able to immediately see what a location looks like … is unthinkable! It’s completely groundbreaking!

Well… we have Google to thank for that… or do we???

Meet Billy Meadow, a serial technology entrepreneur and inventor for over 30 years and the original inventor of street level technology that is now used by “Google Street View”.

Now wait a second… I thought Google invented “Street View” and that’s why it’s called Google Street View?

That’s a great question, but this is where the story gets very interesting.

It all began about 2002, when Billy Meadow—the founder and CEO of MVPI—encountered a problem. Mr. Meadow had formed a property investment company in Jacksonville, Florida, and was trying to efficiently locate and evaluate potential properties in the area. Now in 2002, remember there was no way to accomplish this without filling up your car up with gas and hitting the road and visiting each potential property one at a time.

Confronted with this problem, Mr. Meadow did what he has done throughout his entrepreneurial career—he came up with a solution. Mr. Meadow realized he could use photographic and GPS technology and equip a car or van with a 360-degree camera to produce continuous panoramic images of any neighborhood in the US. The images would then be GPS geo-encoded and stored on servers so that people could simply type in an address and then instantly be able to pull up imagery of a property they were interested in.

Sound familiar? Well just wait… it gets better!

Mr. Meadow didn’t just stop with the idea. He actually implemented it. He formed a company—later named VisRE (for “Visual Real Estate) —to develop and market street-level imagery and data integration products for use in various ways including real estate, marketing, insurance, property development, tourism, and recreation. Beginning in 2004, Mr. Meadow also filed patent applications to protect his ideas. Today, Mr. Meadow holds over 8 issued patents related to street level imaging and location based services, and has 11 other patent applications pending.

Here is just one of those patents, entitled “Apparatus and Method for Producing Video Drive-By Data Corresponding to a Geographic Location.” Patents are often referred to by the last three numbers of the U.S. Patent number, so we call this the ’181 patent. The ’181 patent taught the following invention:

- GPS encoded camera video/frame images
- GPS / Latitude Longitude coordinates of properties
- A system to display properties with superimposed data overlays and
- on-line delivery from address (parcel line) and map based searching

By 2005, Mr. Meadow had a team working on the production of a fleet of vehicles mounted with Video Image Capture Systems. Each Vehicle Image Capture System in the fleet was equipped with eight HDTV digital cameras to ensure a full 360-degree view. Mr. Meadow hired a team of individuals to drive the fleet of vehicles around city streets, first in Jacksonville and then beyond, taking panoramic photographs. These street level images were GPS geo-encoded and indexed to enable future searches of properties by street address, latitude and longitude or county parcel ID. If this sounds a lot like what you have heard or seen regarding Google Street View, it is the same technology.

The difference is that Google did not launch Street View until 2007.

Right now a timeline should be forming in your head and the first date should show:

2002 – Mr. Meadow recognizes need for technological approach for locating and appraising properties and begins developing a solution
2004 – Mr. Meadow files patent application to protect his street level imaging ideas
2005 - Mr. Meadow’s team begins producing a fleet of vehicles mounted with Video Image Capture Systems equipped with eight HDTV digital cameras to ensure a full 360-degree view
2007 – Google launches their Street View product

I hope you are having an “ah haaa” moment right now, because you should. Let’s keep going deeper into the story.

Up until the point in time that Google released a free version of his technology, Mr. Meadow’s company received significant interest from real estate appraisal companies, realtor associations and banks.

In 2007, Mr. Meadow was selling appraisal companies the rights to visual imagery for defined territories. Mr. Meadow created an image database of several million properties in Florida, driving more than 100,000 miles of residential roads. Mr. Meadow also entered into at least 12 territory licensing agreements with appraisers in Florida, Georgia, Texas, Ohio and Michigan.

Following a presentation to the User’s Conference of FNC,, the nation’s largest appraisal firm, Mr. Meadow’s system was described as the “exciting new solution we’ve been looking for.”

On June 17, 2008, Mr. Meadow and his team were awarded the rights to the ’181 patent, thus validating the intellectual property that they had been working on for years.

Following the release of Google’s FREE Street View product, Mr. Meadow was forced to rely on his patent portfolio to protect his intellectual property rights. Beginning in 2008, Mr. Meadow began writing Google letters, informing Google about the ’181 patent and related intellectual property. Mr. Meadow never received a response from Google.

Flash forward several years, and Mr. Meadow found himself faced with a problem. Google’s offering of Street View for free had forced Mr. Meadow to close the doors of his business and put the Video Image Capture Systems into storage. He could either do nothing, or seek compensation for Google’s trespassing of his intellectual property rights.

In 2013, DLA Piper, the world's largest multi-national law firm, recognized the merit of Mr. Meadow’s inventions and decided they would take on the case. This was a huge victory for the team.

In March 2014, Mr. Meadow’s company, Visual Real Estate, Inc.—a subsidiary of MVPI—filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Google in the Middle District of Florida. Although the case is in an inter partes review, which stays the court proceedings, the complaint alleges that Google infringes the ’181 patent, as well as two other patents issued to Mr. Meadow.

So how does this relate to you and the investment opportunity I mentioned at the beginning? The complaint seeks monetary damages and injunctive relief from Google. If MVPI’s subsidiary can establish that Google infringes any of its three asserted patents, it is entitled to “damages adequate to compensate for the infringement, but in no event less than a reasonable royalty for the use made of the invention by the infringer, together with interest and costs as fixed by the court.” And if MVPI can establish that Google willfully infringed any of those three asserted patents, “the court may increase the damages up to three times the amount found.”

An investment in MVPI is an investment in the lawsuit against Google. “Litigation finance” opportunities like this have existed for years, but in the past were not typically available to the general public.

But the investment opportunity in MVPI is larger than this single lawsuit. As I mentioned earlier, Mr. Meadow holds over 8 issued patents related to street level imaging and location based services, and has 11 other patent applications pending.

In addition, MVPI is entering into intellectual property development and licensing agreements with top universities in the country. You can learn more about these deals by visiting their website or by reading their investor presentation filed with the SEC.

So it’s pretty simple… an investment in MVPI is an opportunity to benefit from a case targeting one of Google’s most important technologies… Google Street View.

As of their last filing, dated November 12, 2014, MVPI had 21,202,323 shares outstanding. With a current stock price of around $.20 per share, this would barely give them a $4 million market cap.

The important question for investors is if MVPI’s subsidiary is successful in court, what will the damages be? The answer is that they could potentially be substantial given that Google Street View is currently being used by people all over the world and as of this writing, Google has a market valuation of over $388 billion!

So where does their Street View product fall into Google’s $388 billion valuation? That will be up to the jury to decide, but judging from their user base, it potentially could be a lot and that could have in incredible impact on MVPI’s $4 million market cap if they are successful in court.

This is an extremely unique type of investment opportunity that in the past has not typically been available to the general public, but now the average investor is able to participate in the outcome of this potentially massive case.

And as I said earlier, even legendary billionaire investor Dr. Phillip Frost is getting in on the action and if not for the Blocker provision, his trust would own in excess of 9.99% of the outstanding shares of MVPI!

When it comes to investing… it doesn’t get much better than this! So begin your due diligence process right now before it’s too late! We hope you have enjoyed this special situations report!

Click here to access the MV Portfolio site.

Best wishes,

Daniel Ameduri,
Future Money Trends

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