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09/05/14 11:58 AM

#186325 RE: jt6455 #186324

That is a fair assessment.

At the same token, patents are not handed out that could inhibit the text of another. Am I incorrect? Obviously I am no authority on the subject, none the less.

My point is many 'systems' can reside within the same grey field of understanding, as well as uses. As far as the several patents owned by AmericanGreen / Tranzbyte, will be combined to fill a sector that cannot be breached by simplicity, or another patent.

If the company tossed out the specifics any further than they have already, this might infringe on the very reason the patents exist to begin with. Including the enigma appears to be a game plan.

In time , I am certain we'll be able to completely view and experience the companies obviously well thought out business plan. Do I personally truly want to know all of this at this point , not really. I am very satisfied with the current rate of progress, which lends faith in future endeavors with AmericanGreen.
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Stock eyes

09/05/14 2:59 PM

#186338 RE: jt6455 #186324

There is a point in time when your questions will be answered, but not effectively on this board. I know the owner of the patents that provided ERBB the rights to license to other companies, and I'm sure he and Steve has covered everything so that as we post here today, the wheels are in motion so that when in fact there is something to share, it will be announced, but we're only less than a month so far since the PR was released about obtaining the patents.
What we're discussing does take time, and like I said, I'm sure that all are working to satisfy the concerns you posted for you as well as everyone else here.
All I can say is to just lay back and let things take their course. I've never been more positive about the outcome of a company as I am with ERBB
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09/05/14 3:46 PM

#186345 RE: jt6455 #186324

Exactly, a proper plan should be made public with milestones to accomplish and followed through. You are 100% correct. If such information is made public, then only then erbb will attract serious investors NOT with the current level of transparency.

Erbb long