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Golf Pro

09/05/14 5:12 AM

#13005 RE: bet kids tuition #12966

BTK very kind of you to say and thank you.

I actually mostly comment to bring some balance and a more level headed approach, so less experienced investors may benefit from my training and surgical expertise as it relates to our little robot.

The articulation and sweeping movements are an exact mimicry from a dexterity stand point of what one would need from a machine. Unless you have placed thousands of sutures how would an individual know that. That was my initial input I wished to convey. The other thing that occurred was I didn't appreciate some on here deliberately misleading individuals that may follow this site it kind of rubbed me the wrong way.

I enjoyed your handle and transparency you offered a couple of months back and really wish you well. Just sit tight buy more when you get the chance and don't let the days that don't make sense get you down I assure you better days are on the horizon.

Much that you read on here literally is not correct or twisted to get a desired effect. But several offer meaningful information and I do think its entertaining at times.

Long and Adding to my position
