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09/03/14 9:04 PM

#186141 RE: Crusen #186140

Hell no I don't trust them. Why the hell would I?
I trust they know well what they do, but this is gambling make no mistake. It's speculation of intelligence gathered by assumption , no different than pulling the one armed bandit.

This is the stock market, this is not yaya's house brother, no baklava after dinner.

Am I going to give cash to someone I don't trust , damn straight , I do it daily for years on end now.

Will I get my cash back? For starters it's not 'my cash' - simply a list with digits on it that claims I accomplished something for that list. it's meaningless. Of course until I need it, right?


09/03/14 9:32 PM

#186143 RE: Crusen #186140

American Green is run by Honest People.
I have met almost everyone in the whole company. I am proud to be an owner of American Green. I have complete trust in Stephen and all of the employees. ERBB On