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09/04/14 8:07 AM

#40517 RE: Scripo #40516

Pink Sheets and OTCBB Similarities

Both require a company to have at least 35 shareholders to be listed.
There are no minimum revenue or asset requirements for companies listed.
Both require a company to be audited by registered accountant before they are initially listed.

Pink Sheets and OTCBB Major Differences

A company listed on the OTCBB is required to file a quarterly financial report with the SEC, while companies on Pink Sheets are not required to report financial statements at all.
Companies who trade on the Pink Sheets are not required to adhere by the Sarbanes-Oxley Bill, while those on the OTCBB are.
Companies who list on the OTCBB generally do so because of the extra prestige, while those who choose to list on the Pink Sheets generally do so because of the lower costs.

Pink Sheets and OTCBB Summary

All in all, any stock that trades on the Pink Sheets or the OTCBB is a very risky stock. Pink Sheets are starting to bring in some large foreign companies who want to list in the United States, but don’t want the large costs associated with the NYSE or NASDAQ listing. Be advised that because Pink Sheets don’t have any financial reporting rules, it is very difficult to quantify how a company is doing. If you decide to dive into the Pink Sheets or OTCBB marketplaces, make sure you do so with an online broker who has clear cut rules on trading these speculative stocks.

It sounds as if GERS no longer wishes to file quarterly financial reports, they will not; it sounds as if they do, the quality can be reduced. In other words the statement, ... it is very difficult to quantify how a company is doing... is an understatement. We may have no knowledge about the number of shares, whether we are making or losing money, or the outcome of litigation. If, this is a legitimate company (which I believe it is) and not a stock selling scam, that is a victim of predatory patent stealing that has created this de-listing, we should have a communication in short order from GERS stating that they intend to adhere to the same standards as required for listing on the OTCQB. This is truly a litmus test of the integrity and intentions of this company.

We should all write and request an answer to this critical question -- will they continue to abide by the reporting standards required of the OTCQB while being listed on the OTC Pink? Anyone receiving a response, please post it.