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09/02/14 9:08 PM

#141907 RE: Tar sands #141906

The new appointee has supposedly been investing via private placement in SRSR for many years. He said SRSR did not need to uplist or issue audited financials repeatedly. He said Scott had a plan. He has flip flopped so many times they are too numerous to count. If he is to be believed, he has been working with and speaking to this company's management for many years through the failures and pinkie PRs. Today's PR is just more nonsense and talk that we have heard before from the company. His supposed money invested in the past was not wisely used and there is no reason to believe anything has changed.

Day #1 since our supposed new savior is on board and still no uplisting, audited financials or NI Compliance. One year from now it will be 365 days. I have done this many times with SRSR and they have never let me down yet!!!!! 7 years of failures and pinkie PRs and this PR today regurgitated the same pinkie announcements spewed by the company previously! LOL, a poster on a penny board is the great company savior! It does not get any better then that! LOL!


09/03/14 10:53 AM

#141955 RE: Tar sands #141906

I am happy with what has occurred today and look forward to seeing the results.

That's the issue. NOTHING has happened. the PR is no different than the PR when Ben Ward joined.

Actions do speak louder than words. And all we have is words.

I look forward to seeing results too. But until they are seen the company is just the same old scam with a new player.

People want to see a change so bad. But you have to ask yourself .....Why is it that a mining company doesn't have a miner as president they have a hedge fund manager as president.


Wouldn't it make sense to have someone with actual mining experience if you are running a mine?

If you are running a stock game you would want a hedge fund operator.

The simplest answer is normally the correct one. Someone who invested a lot of cash and lost their ass is in a position to sue the company. So Scott lets him in on the action to recoup his money. What hedge fund operator would turn down a chance like that?

After all if transparency was the goal wouldn't the PR explain where and how they found Dan?

Don't you think that a line like "Dan has been a shareholder of the company for years and currently owns XXX shares which he bought on the open market in support of the company".

Action is what we need

Words is what we get.