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09/02/14 9:47 PM

#323488 RE: matt24d #323479

I agree on LIQD Matt.


09/02/14 11:26 PM

#323504 RE: matt24d #323479

Agree also Matt on their timing when they diluted. Most companies when they dilute you can look at the reason and say "yeah, I guess they needed to do it in order to strengthen themselves". In Liquid's case, it made total sense. How is a hedge fund going to be willing to give you their business when your own balance sheet does not look good. Unless Liquid is out to buy some other business and integrate, I feel with the type of business model they run under, there is no need to dilute in the near (or not so near) future. I bet the next Q's you will see some good revenue.

I am very comfortable sitting on these guys as a long here and riding the ups and downs. I am not a good enough trader like AF and others here to be picking my spots to get in and out of.

My only concern with the next Q's is their talk of the expansion they have done for their growth. Definitely they needs this to grow, but what will this look like I wonder on their next Q.. I mentioned I will ride the ups and downs, it would be nice though if their expansion plans doesn't hit the next q too hard. Without those expenses I am pretty sure the revs will be great.