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09/02/14 6:38 PM

#181852 RE: Michael Anderson #181850

They'll dangle the carrot to the sh's like they did (and are still doing) the audit, take a little nibble on the carrot, not too much, and then pull it away. They are second to none in doing this, but the pps is going lower, and lower, and lower as they masterfully continue the dangle...

Never, ever going to transpire...


09/03/14 9:52 AM

#181892 RE: Michael Anderson #181850

They knew they were not going to make it but waited until after their self imposed date to update Shareholders that they weren't going to make it. Bunch of crap.

Pretty sure most of us here knew they would not make that date to begin with but they kept talking about it even the week before and now all of a sudden they may get it launched in Sept. Bunch of crap...

This kind of stupidity is what drives me nuts with EP, stop giving dates, etc (broken record I know).

They must be quad checking the audit this week as triple checking it last week didn't produce it yet.