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09/02/14 7:01 PM

#82673 RE: greennugs #82667

According to James Wright he does not. At least that is the response I received right after James took over. Email him to confirm. Thanks.


09/03/14 8:50 AM

#82694 RE: greennugs #82667

Chrisjames is Chrisjames! Same person pulling strings. Same dilution machine same superstar resume with nothing to back it up. Same pos worthless stock for worthless idea going nowhere but to RSville. Chrisjames is the fake and absent face of UTRM. Remember as far as fillings go chris is still the CEO on record. Still the one pushing the sell button. Nearly 7 billion sold from unlimited AS.


09/03/14 9:17 AM

#82696 RE: greennugs #82667

Thanks. Yes the ChrisJames thing is utterly annoying.