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09/02/14 3:23 PM

#1614 RE: Real Madrid #1613

No surprise. I've just finished reading the full research report.
New information in it is that the single well pair is expected to produce 500 bpd in which DWOG share would be 125 bpd. Even at $10 per barrel margin because of the very high costs always involved in the first production, that's $35,000 a month revenue.
Looking at the current differential between bitumen and WTI, and forecasting ahead, we should be looking at $17 to $20 per barrel profit after they expand production with the next wells.
Anything above $10 a barrel profit is commercially viable once you get to the 5,000 bpd production stage. Even at $10 bucks, 5,000 bpd gives them $350,000 cash a month on their portion of the working interest while others carry the costs.


09/03/14 12:00 AM

#1620 RE: Real Madrid #1613

Orders are small because very few aware of this company. Lots of stock to be sold since insiders dumped millions of shares on the public at prices between $2& $3 back in 2005-2006. And believe me insiders had CHEAP shares. Horst Schmid paid the grand sum of $4062. and ended up with 1,950,000 shares or just about 5 shares for EVERY PENNY spent !!


09/03/14 4:18 AM

#1623 RE: Real Madrid #1613

Yes, it will be interesting. I also find it interesting that somebody with a very first post on IHUB attempts to distort the history of the company from 10 years ago. Somebody is wanting cheap shares at the last moment before the launch IMHO. My thinking is that the tree has already been shaken enough and there is no more ripe fruit.
We shall see if I am correct.