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09/01/14 2:30 PM

#37405 RE: ANTI-BAGHOLDER #37404

no kidding - I personally believe Oren has a company here and we'll see something on it shortly



09/01/14 2:39 PM

#37406 RE: ANTI-BAGHOLDER #37404

Agreements without revenues in subsequent quarters don't amount to much on the balance sheet, so the share price stopped responding positively to any announcements at some point.

There were some contracts filed on which proves business activity, but where's the income from those contracts? Proof of success isn't in the contract itself, its in the revenue stream that flows from the contract. So my assessment is Mr. Clark and Mr. Manelis delivered real contracts but without economic value to shareholders.

New CEO with a new direction in a company that has failed to deliver on its old business plan would seem to mark a good bottom for a stock. I read that Hall Petroleum has a few hundred thousand dollars of revenue at present. Would like to understand if what I've read is accurate and what the plan is to grow revenues going forward.