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08/31/14 11:45 AM

#36951 RE: buccaneer1961 #36944

since you asked

where was it said insiders were dumping?

buccaneer1961 Member Level Friday, 08/22/14 06:51:26 PM
Re: XYREUS post# 36673
Post # of 36949
a ceo of any company will be happy to tell investors anything they want to hear to sell shares...why don't they put it in writing? because theres no proof of what they said,they also put out prs that can be taken 2 different ways with pivitol walk in,take a load off then leave with another load ;)

buccaneer1961 Member Level Thursday, 08/21/14 11:28:21 AM
Re: XYREUS post# 36579
Post # of 36949
I want their job too...where else can you sell shares to fund your fun??? if they were private like heartland was and couldn't afford to continue doing this because they would go broke...that's why heartland couldn't continue operations...nasty lies were spread that they brought up artifacts and that's why they couldn't get a permit,truth was they lost their investors when the state said they must continue the survey...that's why I said a survey permit was coming along because sfrx has to finish where heartland left off....congrats to me!! survey permit it was!! want to go out on the boat?? hey lets increase the a/s and fund our fun they may say?? haha!

buccaneer1961 Member Level Thursday, 08/21/14 01:16:23 AM
Re: GREGG THE GREEK post# 36566
Post # of 36949
no....I think ruptureheadjoe marketing is diluting shares again...those free promo ones received long ago...everybody knows about that...the company needs cash and is strapped for it...why do you think the fluff prs came out? its to try to move stock...the company needs it and mr. wares organization helps move them,its known he works trying to assist in this endeavor,its not a crime at all...but that's why it dosent move,sell those shares while others are buying

buccaneer1961 Member Level Tuesday, 08/19/14 10:39:38 PM
Re: HOT SPURS post# 36529
Post # of 36949
or fluff to sell shares...look at thew volume and wheres the pps??? that should be studied

buccaneer1961 Member Level Sunday, 08/17/14 07:25:43 PM
Re: Raider21 post# 36387
Post # of 36950
yes...they were paid to ...MAKE IT HAPPEN for the sake of selling shares?? keep the t.a. working too??? so funny,but not to the investment world! funny that when your paid you can compromise yourself and do what money tells you to do...example,those so called pros knew it was a bust but did what money told them to do? they are smarter that that but oh no...hey lets go to that juno site and pump this so we can make money and increase the a/s 3times and dilute this and investors will get the rupture into our accts and not the rapture as they hope for!!...its fun to chase ones dreams with shareholder money,all one has to do it just tell this person theres treasure there and like wildfire the I mean stories grow and morph...soon the stories of half billion $$$$ treasure is whats stated and dollar + pps coming,the kraken has been released and SALVAGE permit is know...pure bulsh! lantana gave no treasure either... why didn't those consultants warn that juno was a bust before huge expenses came up?? that's interesting!! and so funny!!

buccaneer1961 Member Level Sunday, 08/17/14 03:46:04 PM
Re: Raider21 post# 36384
Post # of 36950
interesting that a relative works selling the shares or transfer agant...heres info from a pr concerning that site as you see some things found but nothing in the way of treasure

buccaneer1961 Member Level Sunday, 08/17/14 02:15:16 AM
Re: F-15-Retired post# 36361
Post # of 36950
bulsh sublimal messages in pr to insight buying...buyer beware...same crap was thought on juno/lantana and I fell for the hype

buccaneer1961 Member Level Thursday, 08/07/14 11:37:57 AM
Re: mbumpt post# 35532
Post # of 36950
that's what I wonder..
.so far money has been made selling shares.
..a family dosent have that commodity and must get it with hard work....they have nobody funding them and cant wiz on shareholders or have an advertising agency helping sell shares so its not like the company that's public has ever been hurting...dilute it and let the agency do their thing