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08/31/14 7:05 AM

#79885 RE: billytbone #79883

Someone got preferred shares for the acquisition of USACIG. Peter Michaels also controlled that company. Did Peter get ANY consideration for agreeing with himself for the acquisition of the company he already controlled (but didn't disclose this conflict).

Similar issues with Re-Medical. He controlled that company, too. Not seeing disclosure of the purchase price paid for Peter's own company Re-Medical No disclosure of the conflict inherent in this purchase, or if Peter received any proceeds from this.

The above and other DD brings to mind thoughts of the quote from 1808, ''Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive''.

Could a trust own shares and preferred shares to allow him to claim no ownership? I'm pretty sure that if the CEO or Hop-On own tangible assets, debtors would have tried to seize them. I believe there is a reason Hop-on never shows more than a few hundred to a few thousand $'s of cash or ownership of things of real value. More red flags, IMO.