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08/30/14 10:52 AM

#8274 RE: Green2013 #8271

But they have no customers to sell to. One day when cannabis is legal this stock will rise if tweed is still around. As for now if you asked any company if they would produce a product for a customer base if only 45,000 and give them a valuation of 100 million they might say you're crazy. I don't think legalization is coming anytime soon. I hope I'm wrong but right now tweed has been one of the worst investment s I made down 24% I got caught up in the hype and I'll never be so stupid again.

Tweed as a company dud everything they could I don't think the market is there and won't be for some time. My money is stuck and it could be better off somewhere else.


08/30/14 11:23 AM

#8278 RE: Green2013 #8271

A liberal victory is not assured. Like I said they are a 3rd party. No 3rd party has ever formed a government in Canada. The best the Liberals can hope for is a minority Conservative government with the Liberals as opposition. Minority governments usually last a year. They stand a better chance on a second election.


08/30/14 12:24 PM

#8283 RE: Green2013 #8271

Question: who is going to buy all these millions of grams? there is only 40,000 patients in the program and there is VERY FEW patients entering the program as Doctors are still in conflict over signing with the contined legalities of MMJ.

Question: Do you acually believe that Health Canada would allow 7 million grams of a (drug they refuse to approve) to flood the market while under injunction and multiple court orders????? This is the reason HC has stopped accepting Grow licences NOT because Tweed maybe be able to grow 7 million grams.

Question: There are over 300 known and used strains, is Tweed and the LP's prepared to cover all this + all Hybrids that MMAR growers have breed over the past 13 years????

Question: will Tweed and the rest of the LP's lower the price down to $2.00 a gram for any strain(I can grow any strain for 2 a gram)? as this would be the only way Health Canada would be able to bet the Constitutional Challange

In closing these numbers are not reasonable or rational, as access(Demand) will not consitute or allow for that much Product until legal which will take at least 4 years. Once the case gets going all will be known and the MMPR regulations will be rewiten to include not only Personal production but licening of Compassion Clubs to allow the consistent flow of Extracts as any interuption in access to Medical Cannabis is a breach of patients rights under Charter 7 of the Canadian Constitution, so Tweed will be waiting years and years to get to those ridiculus numbers.