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08/29/14 11:48 PM

#9260 RE: wingtrade #9259

Just trying to figure out who the smartest person in the room is so I can watch ,listen, and learn. I assume you have met Mr. James and Mr.Peterson ?? you know they are a POS and a CROOK?? I wouldn't have the slightest idea...never met either one

So back to G&L question about what to do ? I have close to 200,000sh @ .0825 ave.?? Do I need to sell tues. opening bell and take my 52% loss? or ?? stay long until its worth .002?
- should I have kept buying and ave. down ALL THE WAY DOWN or sat there with my .15 ave. price?
-because the way I see it...none of that b.s. you and boy robin have been slinging matters ...even if you know for a fact the ceo's are crooks and robbers! Which you don't - Doesn't change the fact that I have purchased a ton of nrti (for me its a ton) and the price is where its at...we are here now... or I am! Do you have any shares? Capt. doesn't-but it doesn't slow down his loving words for NRTI
-So I am all ears ! I am just a newbie or bagholder? or pos? maybe in your opinion... dad has always said opinions are like azzholes...everybody has one...doesn't mean you should be one...looking forward to your advise!!