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08/29/14 12:37 PM

#136003 RE: wbmw #136002

II: Let me clarify: Blissful doesn't mean being spaced out or not taking any action.

wbmw: I think what you mean to say is: there's a such thing as "blissfully ignorant", but blissfulness does not necessarily imply ignorance.

wbmw: I agree with your comment, but I was clarifying that action can be taken even if one is blissful. I was addressing the "bliss ninny" - definition 1 below which states not engaging with the difficulty at hand.

In fact, only those actions that are taken when one is well-grounded and blissful has a chance of being successful. In a well-grounded/blissful/balanced state, one is able to consider everyone's point-of-view to arrive at a mutually beneficial outcome.

bliss ninny (plural bliss ninnies)

1. (slang, pejorative) A person who is unrealistically optimistic, or a Pollyanna and who might seem to prefer to retreat from difficult situations by professing seemingly irrelevant platitudes, rather than to directly engage with the difficulty at hand in a meaningful way.

2. (slang, spirituality) A student who may seem to be intoxicated with spiritual teachings, but is ungrounded or untrained.

wbmw: But you won't have much success arguing that point. "Bliss" and "compassion" are interpreted as signs of weakness to the conservative mindset - and I'll also point out that there's a fine line between stating the obvious, and tweaking the wrong person into raising a fuss over it. It's not worth pursuing the matter, as you will get no gratification from sharing your point of view, if the other person can't relate.

That is why I argue the point of "self-interest" in trying to be blissful and balanced. No one can deny that anger and fear puts them in a negative state, they can feel that impact directly both in terms of emotional agitation as well as their health.

As I mentioned couple of times, this is not about others, it is about us. This is the "man in the mirror" principle advocated by many remarkable people.

I sincerely hope that one gets tweaked or angered by this. Because that is not the intention of my posts.

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08/29/14 2:07 PM

#136011 RE: wbmw #136002

"Bliss" and "compassion" are interpreted as signs of weakness to the conservative mindset

A common misconception by liberals is that conservatives lack compassion when the truth is that we disagree on what a compassionate response should be. For example I have compassion for my adult daughter when she doesn't manage her monthly finances well and ends up short at the end of the month. But I don't think the compassionate response is to bail her out (even though I can and even though it hurts me not to). Without getting into all the intricacies of our governments entitlement programs, conservatives in general believe that a lot of these programs don't represent the correct compassionate response.

As for 'bliss' I have no comment on that since I don't really know how it relates to the conservative mindset.