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08/29/14 11:03 AM

#141809 RE: Evil Rabbit #141808

I think the idea that 'concerns" and 'opinions' HAVE NOT been communicated over and over again to Scott is ludicrous.

I think for the last 2 - 3 years concerns and opinions have been offered and given - only to be ignored or brushed away.

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Tar sands

08/29/14 11:56 AM

#141811 RE: Evil Rabbit #141808

An e mail of early August, and a subsequent e mail mid August, to the Company (to the same e mail address you provided) remain unanswered. Therefore I must presume that they are not responding to the introduction, (incl history as to how I am in possession of the not insignificant block of stock) nor to the questions I asked about the Company or it s plans moving forward.

Seemingly the only alternative in getting answers as to the Company s future is by applying public pressure so that Shareholders as a collective Group knows what the Company is planning. The choices as to how to get this information is limited if the Management is not forthcoming. Dmbao s answer is to try and arrange a Meeting with the Company Management through their Lawyer and with his involvement. A good idea if he can arrange such a Meeting as it, at a minimum, provides an opportunity to get some answers.

I post as I would like to get some answers so that I know the details of this investment and the Company. There are several people who post here who have a long term involvement and are aware of the history and presumably to some degree have an understanding of the individual, or individuals, involved with this Company. I presume that for the vast majority we have a common interest and that is the stability of the Company and with that a solid price per share foundation. I am sure that there may be some, and I don t know who they are, that have other shorter term interests. I am just trying to learn what I can from those individuals who post here as we have a common goal.

The Company is seriously lacking direction and is going nowhere right now. Is there anything wrong with an average shareholder wanting to gather information about a Company they have a holding in? I don t think that there is.

I have my beliefs as to this Company and how the affairs of the Company are managed and while they maybe different than yours the opinions are valid IMO.

I would like to see stability and strong growth for the Company. That would be the ideal conclusion.

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08/29/14 12:33 PM

#141812 RE: Evil Rabbit #141808

That would be great, I've sent Lucas our new IR 4 emails starting on 8/5, 8/8, 8/11, 8/22 asking different things, and have not heard back, I've also sent Scott an email, have no heard back. The lack of communication is terrible.