I feel ya PB. I sent Pedder an email today because he has yet to return one of my calls, 3 to be exact over the past month or so plus a message that the nice operator girl said she would personally give to him when he returned that day. I was not really nice but I feel that I made it very clear that the company needs to stop putting out BS supplemental information that they are not meeting up to and just be straight up because people are really starting to question the validity of what the company is doing.
I know that I will probably catch a few comments telling me to stop bothering the management so they can get things done but I am sick of the week after week of the company saying it's just about done. Call me arrogant but as a shareholder we have rights and to me a simple call back from Pedder is owed to me. I have taken the time to contact the company, the preferred way of doing it as well seeing that Pedder's email address is not on the contact us area on the site. Maybe I should send a fax lol :-D
If we go back to the end of June, the 25th to be exact, they released a PR stating that the deal was to be done by the beginning of July. Really!?!?! How have they been this far off on the estimated completion? Here we sit, basically September, and the merger may still not be inked. How can they say almost be done at the end of June, then in the beginning of August and now, very end of August and it may or may not be inked yet. Many of us have been MORE THAN patient here and very supportive of what has transpired thus far but the time has come where the company needs to shit or get off the pot if you ask me.
All the negativity aside, I still believe in the concept here entirely, 100%. I still have all my shares, have no cash to buy more because I have already invested more than originally intended due to what I believe we have here. I expect we will see something soon, as in the next week and if not it will be really ugly I am sure of that. Best of luck to us here, we deserve it for being as faithful as a lot of us have been.