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08/29/14 10:27 AM

#97466 RE: Flettster #97465

Flettster, your analogy is very good. DGRI, along with other scams, will eventually be shut down by the SEC. Totally wrong they are still allowed to take money the way they have been doing and will continue to do... until they are shut down. The ripoffs should have to return investors money, but I don't see that happening in this world. I think the scamming stock world is one of the reasons that the twin towers was taken out. People just continue to let it happen and too many are taking advantage of the ripoff world to make their own little dirty money. DGRI is no different than the rest of the rippoffs. The SEC is eliminating some scammers, but not nearly enough. The SEC's own regulations have too much leniency, and that allows the bs to keep flowing. Too sad it is the way it is. DGRI will survive for now...

Who knows, maybe Hollis will actually turn legit some day, but I don't know if he is capable, and sincerely doubt that he is.


08/29/14 12:40 PM

#97478 RE: Flettster #97465

What you just explained in one single line, is called penny stock trading.GLTU